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DBS2SBI Remittance


SBI Singapore, in association with DBS, offers DBS2SBI Remittance to India , enabling eRemit Transactions facility to over 60,000 bank branches across India.

v  Facility available for remittances to beneficiary's account with State Bank Group branches and all NEFT enabled bank branches in India.

v  Facility available for all the customers of DBS/POSB who register themselves with SBI's e- remit facility.

v  Remittances can be sent using Bill Payment under DBS i-banking platform.

v  The beneficiary's account will be credited within T+1 working day in respect of Transactions on State Bank Group Branches.

v  The beneficiary's account will be credited within T+2 working days in respect of Transactions on NEFT enabled bank branches.



1. One Time Online Registration ( For DBS customers who are not registered with SBI for sending remittances or who do not have any account with SBI,Singapore ) :

      You have to do a one-time online registration as under:

Ø  Login to : The link is also available at :

Ø  Please submit personal information / details online. After furnishing the personal information online, a copy each of

§   Photo Identity document (NRIC/FIN/Work Pass).

§  A recent copy of DBS/POSB account statement (to confirm the current status of being DBS/POSB customer) and

§  Address Proof document (if the address is different from what appears in photo identity document /DBS/POSB account statement).

shall be sent to SBI by  

§  sending attachment of the scanned copies to email (  or

A system generated mail will be sent to on successful submission of data for registration. Based on the information submitted online and documents submitted by e-mail, registration will be completed. The ID and password for doing eRemit Transactions will be sent to the customer's e-mail address.



2. Two Steps for effecting  Remittance Transactions:

STEP-1:  Enter Details of remittance in SBI e-remit

Ø  Login to SBI e-remit system ( using the ID and password provided.

Ø  Use "DBS2SBI option" and enter the following details:

Name of Beneficiary, Account Number, Name of the Branch, Amount in SGD / INR.

On successful completion, a unique reference number will be provided in the following format: (DBYYYYMMDDXXXXX) and a system generated e-mail will also be sent. The maximum per day transaction limit has been fixed at SGD 10,000.


Ø  Login to DBS i-banking.

Ø  Choose the option "Bill Payment".

Ø  Choose "SBI Singapore " as payee from the drop-list.

Ø  Make payment from your account using the unique reference number obtained from SBI using Step-1.

Please note that the unique reference number generated using Step 1 will be deleted from SBI's records, if the payment as indicated in Step 2 above is not made on same day.



3. Crediting Beneficiary's account:

v  The beneficiary's account will be credited within T+1 working day in respect of Transactions on State Bank Group Branches.

v  The beneficiary's account will be credited within T+2 working days in respect of Transactions on NEFT enabled bank branches

 (T= the day on which payment is made debiting the account with DBS/POSB).

v   For remittances to the beneficiary's account with State Bank branches, a system generated SMS will be sent to the remitter confirming credit of the beneficiary's account.

v  For remittances to the beneficiary's account with other bank branches, system generated SMS will be sent to the remitter only if the beneficiary's account could not be credited for any reason.




  1. The customers of DBS/POSB who already have the e-remit facility of SBI Singapore, need not register again and they can send the remittances using Step 1 and 2 above. Similarly, the customers of DBS/POSB, who maintain an account with SBI Singapore or who have already registered themselves with SBI Singapore for remittances, but do not enjoy the e-remit facility, may send in their request to  for e-remit ID  and password. The above customers need not send in the proof of identity/statement of account/ address once again.


  1. If at any point of time DBS/POSB customers, who had registered with SBI Singapore for eRemit Transactions facility (through their accounts with DBS/POSB), prefer to do direct remittances through SBI Singapore branches then, face to face customer verification formalities have to be completed at that point.

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